Benefits of Google Analytics 4 Property

Enhanced by machine learning, the new Google Analytics 4 or GA4 properties is designed to measure data across devices and platforms. It not only adapts to the changing digital environment but also gives predictions based on collected data to improve performance.

Let’s see what more benefits does GA4 has;

  • Scales with the data
  • It measures, unify and de-duplicates data points across different platforms and devices
  • Adapts to changing digital environment
  • Meets user’s expectation of privacy-first platform
  • Provides intelligent business insights using Google’ s Machine Learning
  • Integrated reporting
  • Handles various data streams
  • The new analytics can measure user journey (say a single user) across devices with the best available identifiers even if they have switched profiles across devices
  • Measure apps and website data together to give insights into cross-device or cross-platform journeys (across all reports)
  • Seamlessly and intelligently combines all data streams to report key insights
  • New Exploration Tool, which gives you new and more flexible ways to examine data
  • Many basic interactions with the app or website are automatically collected as events
  • The first time a user visits the website/app, it is logged as a “first visit” event
  • Enhanced Measurement feature, it automatically collects more event data without having to update or create a new tag or update the website code. It measures common events like page views, scrolls, file downloads and video views
  • It is easy to create new audiences, with more options to define and segment them

All the benefits listed here are over and above of what the current version id Google Analytics provides to users.

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