Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel
Learn about concepts of Microsoft Excel with our best in-class articles
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet editor developed by Microsoft for Windows (in the early stage) and now available for macOS, Android, iOS & iPadOS. MS Excel features data collection, calculation capabilities, charts & graphing tools, pivot tables, representation, and more complex features like automation using a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
MS Excel has basic features like spreadsheets using a grid of cells arranged in rows & columns for data organization. It gives functions to answer statistical, engineering, and financial data management & processing operations. It can also display data in different graphical formats, histograms, and charts. It allows the sectioning of using pivot tables and the scenario manager.
A Pivot Table is a tool for data analysis built within MS Excel. It simplifies large data sets via PivotTable fields. It has a programming aspect as well, Visual Basic for Applications, allows the user to employ a wide variety of numerical methods, for example, for solving differential equations of mathematical physics, and then reporting the results back to the spreadsheet.
In this section of our website, we will discuss different formulas, skills, methods & tips/tricks for using ms excel & enhancing your skills.